Summer is here, Ice cream time

July is the month of the popular sweet treat, ice cream!

Here are the days you can celebrate on:

  • Friday, 23rd is Sprinkle Day and Vanilla Ice Cream Day
  • Sunday, 25th is Hot Fudge Sundae Day

All Ice Cream lovers will know these are some classic ice cream flavors. So, let's see which one matches your personality. It will also tell you what helmet fits you best based on your personality. 





You are very classy and you appreciate good quality. You are not an anxious or stressed person and you enjoy living in the moment. This means you would like the kids classic navy helmet.


 chocolate ice cream - test your personality

You lead a life of joy and self-love. You have strong opinions but you are open to

different ideas too! This means you will like the kids black helmet with lightning bolt.


 strawberry ice cream - test your personality


You are loyal and energetic. You love to have fun and you have a deep love for

Animals. This means you will like the kids pink helmet with stars.


coffee ice cream

You are independent and mature. This means you will like the kids classic black helmet.

Mint chocolate chip-

mint chocolate chip ice cream - test your personality  

You are calm and collected and very sporty. This means you will like the kids classic turquoise helmet.

Rainbow sherbet-

 rainbow sherbet

 You love colors and to be social. You always put other people

first. This means you will like the kids sparkle helmet. (Back in stock soon)

Let us know if the above seems to match your personality!

Koko the guest writer

(Written by Koko, the guest writer, aged 11)

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