A Few of Our Favorite Things Right Now—Especially this Free Sawako Bike Bell
As we do our part to halt the spread of Coronavirus, quarantine has meant giving up many of our favorite things. From bookstore browsing to even the idea of traveling, the list of things we miss is endless. We took so much for granted before all this, didn’t we?
Now, we are all looking for the best things with which to occupy our time. Whether we seek something to entertain us or to educate us, we need things that keep us from going stir-crazy. Because funnily enough, Netflix alone isn’t solving this problem.
We often find our new favorite things through word from others, so with that said, here are some of our favorite things right now—including a free Sawako bike bell. We would love to know yours, so please share this and leave us a comment with what you think others would like to know about.
1. Our bicycles and bike gear
We assume that since you’re reading this, cycling plays a big part in your life. Cycling goes hand-in-hand with a healthful lifestyle as it benefits our physical and mental wellbeing, and during quarantine, it feels better than ever to be keeping both of these in check.
(If you still have questions about how to cycle safely during these times, you can click here to read our blog post and get up-to-date.)
I find that having a helmet I love to wear helps motivate me to jump on my bike. Right now is a perfect time to get a stylish bicycle helmet because Sawako is throwing in a free bicycle bell when you order a helmet now. Don’t miss out on that opportunity. Use RINGRING at checkout after you put a helmet and a bell of your choice in your shopping basket.

Hanabi Bike Bell
Additionally, a bicycle bell makes all the difference. When cycling during Coronavirus, you still want to maintain a social distance from others. The bell will help you and other cyclists/pedestrians give each other proper space while sharing the road.
Share this blog post with someone who you think needs a stylish bicycle helmet and a free bike bell today.
2. Recipes

Right now, we finally have time to do some of the things we’ve always wanted to do—or perhaps the things we never wanted to do. Whether you never had the time or space to cook or you simply hated to cook and preferred to support the plethora of your favorite local eateries, you no doubt have found yourself thumbing through online recipes to try your hand at banana bread or maybe a dish you want to get down as your go-to.
The great thing is that some really amazing recipes have been surfacing all around, whether on social media or through friends directly. We’ve been loving anything Alison Roman and NYT Cooking.
Also, for a snack, we suggest Sawako’s favorite easy snacks, like roasted chick peas.
3. Subscriptions
Speaking of NYT Cooking, subscriptions are keeping us sane. Back in the day, I depended on only a few subscriptions to get me through my daily routines: Spotify for the commute, Netflix for the after-work winddown, etc.

But right now, subscriptions feel like access to whole new worlds. I am gaining cinematic knowledge with a new subscription to The Criterion Collection, which I highly recommend, and becoming a pop culture whiz with the NYT Crossword.
4. Social Media
As we are now keeping 6-feet distance from others and not leaving the house for non-essential reasons, the feeling of isolation can be a real struggle to overcome. I used to question the benefits of social media, but right now, I must admit that it feels like it is adding real value to my quarantine life.
Iconic artists like Bruce Springsteen going live, Thom Yorke DJing on Sonos, Cardi B talking to Bernie Sanders—there has been some real entertainment happening, and social media is keeping me informed.
5. Coffee Makers
Today, the age-old phrase should be changed to “so much to do, so much time.” It is a great opportunity to be enjoying slow rituals, like making coffee. Whether you love a pour over, an espresso, or stand by your trusty drip coffee machine, it is sometimes the little things that are giving us the most pleasure.